##Introduction to ART314: 3D Modeling, Rendering, and Animation **Instructor:** [Michael Collins](https://sova.psu.edu/profile/michaelcollins) | [email protected] | @_mike_collins
##Introductions Tell us about yourself 1. Name 2. Major 3. Why did you enroll in this class? 4. Name something cool you did this winter (travel, art, sky diving, anything???)
##Welcome ###Warning: >**We have a ton of material to cover this semester.** To do well in this class, you have to work really hard, so make sure you are prepared to commit to a rigorous work ethic! You will lose sleep this semester, but it will be fun!
##What is this class about? 1. This is an __**art**__ class 2. We also happen to use indistry standard design tools. >Theme prompts require that you will take novel and creative approaches to visual and conceptual investigations. Your ability to be a creative problem solver is more important than your ability to model or texture.
**Question:** Can I make game environments, characters, short films, etc? **Answer:** Yup! >The projects in this class support your individual creative interests. How you solve for the project themes are up to you, as long as they are within the constraints of the project, and projects are fairly open ended. Never do something just because you’ll think that I’ll like it. Take ownership of your work.
##Expectations _part 1_ - Class starts at 2:30pm, be here 5 minutes early. - Attendance is mandatory - Assignment deadlines are firm unless we decide to change them ahead of time - **Stop looking at all 'yer social medias!** Unless it's research or group communication on work. (for those of you currently logged in, please log out :).
##Expectations _part 2_ - Be a self learner, but don’t be afraid to ask questions - 15 Miniute rule: Try to answer your own question. If it's taking more than 15 minutes, ask for help! - Please be respectful to your peers who are working diligently by not distracting them with cat videos or other sources of entertainment. - Contribute during critiques
##[Course Website](http://michael-collins.github.io/3d-digital-art-and-design--oer) If you have any recommendations, please post on the site on the dicsussion page, or if it's in reference to a specific exercise, you can post right on the exercise. When you find something useful to the class, post it on the Discussion page!
**Fun fact!** This course site and all the content is open-source. You can fork it on github.
I understand that it can be hard to make it to every single class. But please show up for critique days.
##Technology sucks! _part 1_ - Rule #1: Never trust technology - Plan Ahead by doing the following: - Turn on Autosave - Always have a backup (the computer lab machine doesn't count) - Make sure your backups are synced
##Technology sucks! _part 2_ - The computer lab computers get wiped every few days - Allow enough time to render your project twice because: - You will make mistakes - You have a chance to improve work - Save multiple scene files at different stages (iteratively) because Maya will: - Crash and corrupt your **one and only** file - Crash before you had a chance to save
This student didn't save iteratively...
##More Technology Autodesk Student Software free! Register: [http://students.autodesk.com](http://students.autodesk.com)
##Learning Resources [Lynda.com](http://www.lynda.com) (For PSU students - [lynda.psu.edu](https://lynda.psu.edu)) [Pluralsight.com](http://www.pluralsight.com) (Formerly Digital Tutors)
##Textbooks Introducing Autodesk Maya 2016: Autodesk Official Press _ISBN-10: 1119059631_ Mastering Autodesk Maya 2016: Autodesk Official Press _ISBN-10: 1119059828_
##Other Learning Resources The entire Internet. >There is a lot of knowledge and useful information on the Internet, like how to make things glow in Maya, or how to [fold a shirt like a ninja](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gK1nGpvaHno)!
##How is 3D used for to make animations? [Cirkus Animation ABC](http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O-qLBXIX2Mk)
###Art Studios [Zeitguised](http://www.zeitguised.com/) ###Art Installations Matt Pyke: [Video 1](http://vimeo.com/24836368) - [Video 2](http://vimeo.com/24832819) ###Illustration and Concept Design: [Fan Zhang](http://features.cgsociety.org/newgallerycrits/g97/266497/266497_1313588621_large.jpg) - [Mikael Engzell](http://features.cgsociety.org/newgallerycrits/g40/422540/422540_1323953738_large.jpg) - [Mariano Steiner](http://features.cgsociety.org/newgallerycrits/g25/313625/313625_1275961395_large.jpg) - [Laurent Pierlot](http://features.cgsociety.org/newgallerycrits/g96/30696/30696_1351660661_large.jpg) - [Toni Bratincevic](http://features.cgsociety.org/newgallerycrits/g56/93456/93456_1345698939_large.jpg)
###Graphic/Motion Design Mike Rigley: [Network](https://vimeo.com/34750078) ###Short Films Alex Roman - [The Third & The Seventh](https://vimeo.com/24335209) Team Getaway - [Getaway](https://vimeo.com/39392036)
###Commercials [Skoda Car Commercial](https://vimeo.com/25073794) [Silestone](https://vimeo.com/16239432) ###Movie VFX Johnny Likens - [IRON MAN 3 : HUD + GFX PROCESS REEL](https://vimeo.com/66944464)
##Get Involved [Penn State Digital Media Group](https://www.facebook.com/PSUDigitalMedia/) [SIGGRAPH Student Volunteering](http://s2016.siggraph.org/student-volunteers) (Early February)
##Up Next 1. [Syllabus and Schedule](http://michael-collins.github.io/3d-digital-art-and-design--oer/syllabus/art-314-syllabus.html) 2. Autodesk Maya Demo 3. Assignment